Mobile VDP WiFi Wireless font b Video b font Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peephole Camera Night
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Mobile VDP WiFi Wireless Video Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peephole Camera Night Vision Alarm Android IOS

Mobile VDP WiFi Wireless Video Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peephole Camera Night Vision Alarm Android IOS Smart Home

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Price:  US $129.99 / piece
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Remote control Wireless!!!

WiFi Vedio Doorbell connects to network via Wifi router or network cable. Mobile devices including smartphones or Tablets, could connect to the doorbell. After the visitor rings, mobile devices could interact with doorbell via real time video and audio, unlock, take photos, take videos, and warning. P2P cloud service could push messages of visitor calling and alarms. This product has capabilities of anti-removal alarm, PIR , infrared night view. The smart video doorbell that lets you answer the door from your smartphone, allows you to see, hear and talk to your visitor from an iOS or Android mobile device with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G coverage. anywhere in the world!

WIFI video intercom doorbell is a doorbell that works with WiFi. It connects with home WIFI or wired LAN, achieve two-way intercom between doorbell and cell phone. When visitors press the doorbell, doorbell sounds and meanwhile camera will start to work, sending real-time picture and call to smart phone. User receives the call the see the video to check who is outside, can intercom with visitors and remotely unlock door.

Product feature

  • WIFI video intercom doorbell have alarm and remote control functions, make your home security have more powerful barrier.
  • Advance infrared light design make users can distinguish the visitors in the evening.
  • AC/DC power supply, eliminate the troubles of frequently replacing battery.
  • WiFi doorbell connects to network via WiFi router or network cable.
  • Mobile devices include smartphone or tablet, could connect to the doorbell.
  • After the visitor rings, mobile devices could interact with doorbell vial real time video and audio, unlock, take photos, take videos, and alarm.
  • P2P cloud service could push messages of visitor calls to mobile device.
  • PIR detection, night view.
  • 8 Doorbells and 8 Mobile devices can work at the same time


This smart video doorbell that lets you answer the door from your smart phone, allows you to see, hear and talk to your visitor from an iOS or Android mobile device with Wi-Fi or 3G/4G coverage, anytime anywhere in the world!


APP can run in Android and IOS deveices.

You can scan bar code in the cover to download the APP.


Product Specification

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DHL 3 - 7 days
UPS Expedited 3 - 7 days
EMS 5 - 14 days
Post Air Mail Free Shipping 15 - 45 days
Return Policy If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.

N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service On-time DeliveryIf you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).

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Price:  US $129.99 / piece
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