OEM 10PCS 1CH Mini AHD XBOX DVR PCB Board 30fps Security Digital font b Video b
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OEM 10PCS 1CH Mini AHD XBOX DVR PCB Board 30fps Security Digital Video Recorder Support 128GB

OEM 10PCS 1CH Mini AHD XBOX DVR PCB Board 30fps Security Digital Video Recorder Support 128GB SD Card

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Price:  US $650.00 / lot
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​OEM 1CH Mini AHD XBOX DVR PCB Board 30fps Security Digital Video Recorder Support 128GB SD Card

1. Function Features:

MEGA-BOX HD Video Recorder, with the AHD(Analog High Definition) technology, aims to be the smallest in size, but the highest in video resolution among the Mini DVRs in the market. It supports AHD1.0(720P, 960P) cameras, and also compatible with traditional analog cameras. With AHD type camera, it records 1280*720p HD videos, while with normal CVBS cameras, it records at 960H(960*576) videos, and with playback option in system, which makes it outstanding from the similar DVRs in the market. 1.1 What’s AHD? AHD technology is able to transfer the stable HD AV signal based on the analog cable with a max distance of 500M, it uses the advanced Y/C signal separation and Analog filtering, which can effectively decrease the color noise in high frequency region, with a better image reduction. Compared to traditional analog HD recorders, AHD recorders image has a qualitative leap and upgrade, and its maximum resolution can be equaled to Network HD 720P/1080P full HD grade. 1.2 HD Audio Video Encoding and decoding technology H.264 High Profile(Level 4.1) compression, high resolution, full real-time recording, AVI format G711 audio compression, Audio and video synchronization 720p & 30fps video audio record synchronously Snapshot when in video recording 1.3 Multi Record Modes Auto Record when power is ON Timer Record Manual Record Motion Detection Record 1.4 Multi Memory Cards Support Micro SD Card max 128GB USB port for external HDD max 1TB USB port for USB disk max 1TB Note: when it is recording or under playback mode, the disk green LED will be ON, now please DO NOT remove or insert the memory card, otherwise it easily damages the video files; please stop recording first or press the REMOVE DISK button and wait till the green LED is OFF before you remove the card.

2.1 Interface description

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DHL 3 - 7 days
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EMS 5 - 14 days
Post Air Mail Free Shipping 15 - 45 days
Return Policy If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.

N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service On-time DeliveryIf you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).

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