Super Waterproof WiFi font b Video b font Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peehole Camera Remote Unlock
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WIFI Camera Wireless Intercom Video Door Phone Doorbell Peehole Camera Remote Unlock IR Night Vision waterproof

Super Waterproof WiFi Video Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peehole Camera Remote Unlock PIR IR Night Vision Alarm Smart Home

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Super Waterproof WiFi Video Door Phone intercom Doorbell Peehole Camera Remote Unlock PIR IR Night Vision Alarm Smart Home

1 Product introduction

WiFi Intelligent Wireless Visible Door Bell could link with wireless router or directly with the cable for use, the handset includes mobile phone, tablets to connect with the bell, when visitors press the bell, handsets could make video and voice calls with the bell, unlock, take photos and record videos. It has P2P cloud service pushing function.

This product has functions of infrared night viewing &water and humidity proof.

Eight handsets could work with twenty bell sets simultaneously.

2 APP download &installation introduction

IOS download 2D bar code Android download 2D bar code

3 Port Definition

4 Installation diagram

Location choice for door machine: installation height of 1.5m, the location should have few barrier with WiFi router

5 Bell matching

5.1.1 Join WLAN to link the doorbell (ignore this for cable use)

1.Press call button for over 5secs, operate by the voice instruction 2. The phone finds effective WiFi and hotspots, please select hotspot with prefix GBELL-XXXXXX 3. Input default password 123456789 and click ‘connect’ submit,

5.1.2 Search doorbel

4. click ‘add doorbell’ in the main interface of the APP on phone or tablets; 5.fishish the adding by manual, 2D code scanning to add ID; 6. For LAN search, ensure the phone and the device in the same LAN, select the target device. In general, the name is GBELL

5.1.3 Match the doorbell 5.1.4 add the bell into the router (ignore this for cable use)

7. now you can change name, ID, user name and password, click finish to submit; 8. Now the bell is online, click to link for offline and click to set up WiFi; 9. Click WiFi setup, the bell will join the router network

10. In the bell setup interface, click wifi setup, and click manage wifi network when it’s connected; 11. The device will list the found effective router, please select target router (SSID); 12, input password, click ‘finish’ to submit, then the bell would restart, after one min, the handset would find the bell online

5.2 Delete the doorbell 5.3 edit the doorbell

1. Navigate to the sub-interface to maintain the installed doorbell; 2. Select and single click ‘delete’ to batch-delete the selected device; 3. Directly edit the doorbell name, ID, login, username, password, finish and click finish button

5.4 Doorbell setup 5.4.1 doorbell setup-system setup

Click on the icon to make parameter setup 2. System setup interface

5.4.2 User management

1.Administrator could add new user, delete current user, common user could only change their password, same user could not log on different phones; 2. Change user password; 3. Add new user.

5.5 Ringtone setup 5.6 check logs 5.7 check pictures &videos

1.Click to set up bell ringtone, alarming tone, software version and log out. 1. Check past visitor calls, alarming, received calls and un-received calls, P2P cloud service push; 2 check past visited pictures, video list could directly play visitors’ video, long press to select and delet.

6.1 Talk-listen switch

1. When visitors press the bell, answer and hang up 2. When any handset is answered, other handsets would automatically hang up, video recording, picture taking and unlocking would be done within the calling, press end to hang up; 3. Press video recording button to display the recorded video. Repress to check in the main interface.

6.2 Unlock

Press unlock button to unlock

6.3 Take picture 7 automatic monitoring

Press take-picture button to take picture, check in the main interface picture;

click the automatic monitoring on the bell (online) in the main interface, to record videos, take picture, make calls without unlcoking

8 Accessories

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Return Policy If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.

N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
Seller Service On-time DeliveryIf you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).

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