YobangSecurity 3G GSM GPRS SMS Data Analog Logger Wireless GSM Remote Controller 4 Input 1 Relay
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YobangSecurity 3G GSM GPRS SMS Data Analog Logger Wireless GSM Remote Controller 4 Input 1 Relay

YobangSecurity 3G GSM GPRS SMS Data Analog Logger Wireless GSM Remote Controller 4 Input 1 Relay Output Temperature Alarm System

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Price:  US $128.60 / piece
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3G GSM GPRS Analog logger FDL S262 with 4 analog inputs monitor temperature,

water flow, humidity, current, voltage, pressure, etc


The GPRS Data Logger inbuilt industrial quad band GPRS Engine and GPS Module inside, it provides 4 Analog input(0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V) that each analog input supports ultra-high—high—low—ultra-low 4 level monitoring, and 1 digital relay output. It can be used for field data acquisition, equipment monitoring in the worldwide. And the internal memory can save the historical for half a year for review. It provides daily report, schedule upload, event upload by the GPRS to monitoring center or by SMS to the user mobile phone directly.

Just dial from Authorized User number or send SMS to the GPRS Data Logger, the relay output will be switched on or off. There are no call costs, the GPRS Data Logger rejects the call from authorized number then carries out the turn ON/OFF action. In one word, the GPRS Data Logger is the best choice for lots of field data acquisition monitoring applications.

How Does the GPRS Temperature Logger S262 SERIES works?

The GPRS Temperature Logger S262 SERIES equipped one reliable GPRS Module inside, as the monitoring value increases or decreases the electrical current changes, or the resistance increases and decreases. Then transmits the electrical signal to MCU, and the MCU will process the signal and then transmits to Monitoring Center Domain or Sever by GPRS.

Once the Monitoring Center Received the data, will identify the data and distinguish where is from, then store it and display them as line chart as well as show the place by map for user review. More about the Web Based monitoring center please see GPRS Temperature Logger Web Based Monitoring Center Datasheet.

>>>>>Functions & Features of the GPRS Temperature Logger S262:

Mainly Features of the GPRS Data Logger:
1. Quad-Band GSM Frequency, supports SMS and Voice and GPRS communication;
2. Programmable by SMS Commands and PC Configurator via USB;
3. Supports 2 Server via GPRS, Master and Slave;
4. Daily report, schedule upload, event upload—Can setup every x hours automatically send its status/Value to the authorized numbers via SMS or Monitoring center via GPRS.
5. Upto 6 authorized phone numbers, each number can be used to receive SMS or both of call and SMS while alarm occurrence, Authorized phone numbers can be used for dial to switch ON/OFF the relay outputs, inquiry status;
6. One digital outputs (dry contact, NO) with relay rating 10A/240VAC for connecting the switch of the air conditioner or machines, the outputs can setup as always ON, Pulse output, by SMS, authorized phone number dial in, and alarm events;
7. Upto 4 analog input(0~20mA,4~20mA,0~5V), 12bits, can setup interval time, interval value, ultra-high, high, low, ultra-low value alarm can active the relay outputs and send programmable SMS to authorized phone numbers or via GPRS to monitoring center;
8. Internal memory, can save the historical data for review;
9. External AC Power monitoring, AC On/OFF will send SMS to authorized phone numbers;
10. Rechargeable Backup Battery inside can last 18hours;
11. Based on GSM Network, applied to many applications.
12. Standard DIN Rail 35mm installation.

>>>Standard Package list of the GPRS Temperature Logger S262 :

Analog Logger Main Frame x1

AC/DC Power Adaptorx1

GSM Antenna x1

User Manual CD x1


GSM module product picture:

3G Module product with waterproof case picture:

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N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.
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